A Quirky Get to Know Me | Haven + Ohlee. Giveaway

Sooo it’s been a few months since starting my blog now. You guys all know me as a momma of two cute babes, lover of fun, easy recipes and have hopefully enjoyed tagging along on some of our little adventures! The idea of starting a blog had been on my mind for some time. But who was I kidding.. I can’t write! And who would wants to listen to me ramble! BUT, I thought it was time to do something for me so I took the plunge and am oh-so-glad I did! You’ve also probably notice that I don’t get in front of the camera often. Hence the lovely photo above eek!! I don’t know what it is.. but it feels awkward! Let’s just say my selfie game is weak unless it involves peace signs and silly faces. With all that being said, though I give you little glimpses into my life through photos.. mainly of my adorable babies I figure I’m long overdue in giving you some better insight about myself. So here is a little introduction about me and just me as Andreana.

*ps.. you’ll want to scroll down to find out how you can have a chance to win a shop credit to an awesome small shop!!

Any nicknames?

I have had a few from over the years, but the one that my family still calls me is Ange/Angie.

Where are you originally from?

I was born in Edmonton, Alberta, but my family moved to the Okanagan when I was six so I would say my heart belongs there.

What is your favourite ice cream flavour?

I have a few go-to’s, but the one I get the most would be chocolate peanut butter, buuttt if I’m at DQ, always a cookie dough blizzard!!

Any strange phobias?

I don’t like my neck touched!? I’ve always been a fairly ticklish person and for whatever reason my neck region is extra sensitive.

Do you prefer scary movies or happy endings?

Before children I would have said scary movies for sure! But nowadays scary movies just give me severe anxiety especially when there are children in the movie, and then I don’t end up sleeping well. So definitely happy endings.

One of your favourite childhood memories?

Oh my goodness, I don’t know! Just one!! I can’t choose.. this could get long. I’m sure everyone has several favourite childhood memories, but to be brief our annual camping trips are definitely up there, I learned far too much about my parents and their friends then I’d like to admit on those trips! Days spent at my grandparents place, playing drive thru in this little window they had in the front of the home. When opening it you had to push out and up anyways, it reminded us of a drive thru hence why we played/argued.. same thing about this drive thru game constantly! My best friend in elementary school, her family had a big orchard with a trampoline, and quads, she was allowed to have boys over, and we stayed up until ridiculous times in the night watching horror movies and listening to distasteful music. As we grew older, we unfortunately drifted apart with different interests which led to new friends, but honestly I will forever cherish that friendship. She was one of the first to befriend me when I was new to the school. She was fun and outgoing and that pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I just can’t thank her enough for contributing to such special memories.

Who is your best friend?

My first thought was my husband, but I feel in any solid relationship your spouse should be your best friend. So outside of our relationship, definitely my little sister. That wasn’t always the case though.. she to this day likes to remind me of how I loved our little brother more, how we would gang up on her and ALSO how I never let her hang out with me and my friends LOL! But today, we are the best of friends! We’re currently in two different places in our lives and we don’t talk every day, or sometimes for a couple weeks, but we do venture to each other in our best and worst moments to have someone listen without judgement and seek guidance when we need it most. Love you sissy poo!

Your favourite home cooked meal?

If my mama’s cooking, I would probably choose lazy perogies. I LOVE all these perogies, my record for the most perogies eaten in one sitting (10+ years ago now) was 21 perogies and I take great pride in that!

What is one event in your life that helped make you who you are?

Only one again.. I would have to say moving to Ireland after I graduated high school. I flipped and flopped with the idea of post education, but could never really pin point what I wanted. My boyfriend at the time had been accepted into a Rotary Program in Denmark so I’m sure the idea of traveling stemmed from that, but honestly that really shaped me up as a person. I grew up in a town with a population of less then 5,000 people so my idea of the world was pretty small. I made so many great friends, traveled to places I never imagined I would get the chance to see, worked various little jobs and learned very quickly the value of money.

And there you have it! Was I what you figured!? Probably a little too cray cray for your taste. That’s okay.. my kids think I’m weird too! I have to say though since creating my little corner of the internet I really had no insight of this whole other world or even concept of shopping local. I had bought a couple things for my little ones based on recommendations from other mommas, but never thought to look into it more. Well.. let. me. tell. you. there are SEVERAL great small shops that offer one of a kind products all around us that I really had no idea existed!!

Here’s a little back story for you. Before the holidays I was doing my nightly scroll through Instagram and saw a local blogger mention HAVEN + OHLEE. scrunchies! Those who know me, can attest that my hair is probably in a top knot far too often for how much money I spend on it! But these were just too cute to pass up (PLUS they have matching mini-me scrunchies eek!) and I thought these would be a great addition to my everyday hairstyle so I placed my order! From there, I continued to scroll through HAVEN + OHLEE.’s Instagram page and saw on their insta-stories that they were giving a special gift for one random order.. me not putting two and two together didn’t think anything of it UNTIL I received an email with a refund of my purchase from HAVEN + OHLEE.!!? My initial thought was they sold out of the items I had chosen, but they had actually chosen my order for receiving the special gift of which was my purchase for free! I have to admit, I was having a bit of a rough day, I had a lot on my mind and just wasn’t my best self, but receiving that email from HAVEN + OHLEE. completely turned my mood around. I couldn’t get over these ladies generosity, it was such a kind gesture that brightened my day, so I had to find a way to pay it forward and share with you all this awesome small shop that is run by two amazing mommas Meghan and Amanda. Their shop provides handmade hair accessories not only for your little ones, but for YOU!


*CLOSED* Giveaway to be won: $25 HAVEN + OHLEE shop credit.

To enter to win:

1. Leave a comment below, and tell me what you’re most looking forward to in 2018!!  (leave your Instagram handle as well so I can contact you if you win).

2. Follow both me @thebestkindofbusy and @shophavenohlee on Instagram.

3. BONUS ENTRY: Tag a friend on my latest Instagram that would love some cute hair accessories for her and her mini-me!

And that’s it! Good luck!! { All entries must be in by January 12th @ 12:00PM PST}.

* This giveaway is open to Canada + USA residents only.  The winner will be drawn at random and announced within 48 hours after the entry deadline.

5 thoughts on “A Quirky Get to Know Me | Haven + Ohlee. Giveaway

  1. This is a great idea to help your readers get to know you! I enjoyed reading it. Cookie dough blizzards…my weakness, YUM! I don’t get behind the camera that much either, the peek photo is cute!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awww thanks so much for sharing our Shop! We totally have perogie eating competitions in our Family! I don’t even want to tell you how many my husband has eaten!! It’s disgustingly ridiculous. 🙈 – Meghan

    Liked by 1 person

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