On-The-Go Banana Blueberry Oat Muffins

On-The-Go Banana Blueberry Oat Muffins

Summers are busy!! And some days you just want to slather on some sunscreen, slip into your swim suit and run out to enjoy that beautiful sunshine! Our little guy is a notorious early riser to the point that my internal clock now wakes me up a couple minutes before I hear his screeecchh the moment that sun rises! While our daughter loovvesss her sleep and some days doesn’t roll out until 9:00am people!! NINE!! Continue reading “On-The-Go Banana Blueberry Oat Muffins”

Immune Boosting Mini Muffins

Immune Boosting Mini Muffins

It’s that time of year!! We’re in the thick of the dreaded cold and flu season. It’s so tough seeing your little ones struggle, our house hold is unfortunately under attack and it has taken 3 of the 4 of us. Sleepless nights, no appetite, and cranky moods have been our last few days and the few nibbles I could get from them are usually only something sweet. Little miss and I love to bake together and it’s been awhile.. Continue reading “Immune Boosting Mini Muffins”

Girls Night In! | White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

Girls Night In! | White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

My sister or as we all like to call her.. Aunty Nancy!! Was in town not too long ago, and while I was in the trial stages of finding a new Christmas cookie, I thought best to save it for her visit since she is the baker in our family. Side note.. any baking recipes I post, know that I generally don’t follow the instructions well nor measure properly. I’m more of an eyeball it kind of girl. Continue reading “Girls Night In! | White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies”

No-Bake Nutty Butter Power Balls

No-Bake Nutty Butter Power Balls

I have a killer sweet tooth. I’m positive it’s hereditary, because both my mom and sister suffer from the same condition. Hearing the words chocolate, ice cream, doughnuts, pie… you catch my drift. I must have it! The other night I “jokingly” asked my husband if he knew of a service that delivered ice cream, because well.. that was all I could think about! And with his side eye look I knew he understood what I meant, but he wasn’t having it. Darn. LOL! Continue reading “No-Bake Nutty Butter Power Balls”

Cherry Streusel Muffins

Cherry Streusel Muffins

Happy Cherry Season!! Growing up in the Okanagan, I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by an endless amount of fresh seasonal fruits and veggies, so I was sure to take advantage of a family friend’s cherry orchard while we were visiting my parents in Osoyoos. But, I’m thinking we got a little carried away with our cherry picking, because I’m running low on ideas of how to convince everyone to finish them off! Continue reading “Cherry Streusel Muffins”