Spring Break Snaps

Spring Break Snaps

Welp.. we made it guys!! What a whirl wind of a spring break! I thought I would be ready to get back into the hustle and bustle of our daily grind, but honestly I could use another week yet.

My to-do list is ever growing as I’m sure you fellow mamas can relate to, but these last two weeks were completely focused around family and time together. I don’t know if it’s because I feel our time coming to an end soon on the West Coast, so we need to soak it up as much as we can or that I feel our family’s disconnection with hubby traveling so much that I feel our time together is more precious then ever. Continue reading “Spring Break Snaps”

Our Weekend At Cultus Lake

Our Weekend At Cultus Lake

I’m a little late posting this.. actually I wasn’t going to post it at all. I had these big plans for this blog post of our weekend away at Cultus Lake, but when we got home I realized the few photos I had were taken on my phone. For whatever reason I have this idea in my mind that the photos I share need to be perfect, great quality, staged photos if you will when really that’s not my life! Continue reading “Our Weekend At Cultus Lake”